About Forgotten Film Archive

The aim of the site is to create an online repository that records and preserves images which would otherwise have been lost in attics, in the backs of wardrobes or cupboards or even more sadly, disposed of altogether.

Whilst sharing old images from a range of vintage media, developing exposed and undeveloped films is the main theme of the site and is by far my favourite way of finding images from the past.

Films which have been used to take pictures, remain undeveloped and forgotten about are perhaps the most exciting. Taking a mystery roll of film, loading it to a development tank in the dark, selecting chemistry, developing it, peering in to the tank and being the first person ever to see the images on the film base is just magical.

My next favourite way of sharing images is from old slides. Often found in boxes in attics and cupboards, they usually contain vibrant and colourful images.

Most boxes of slides need hours of sifting through to organise them. Some may also need to be gently cleaned. The prepared slides can then be scanned to share images that give a wonderful “technicolour” insight in to the past.

Photo’s (photographic prints) are the last way I collect images to share on the archive. Photo’s are often stored in albums or stuffed in high street pharmacy branded envelopes which again can be found in attics or in the back of wardrobes or cupboards .

Most people remember waiting to look at their pictures after dropping off their films at high street pharmacies, getting them developed and picking up their 6×4 prints which depict weddings, birthdays or holidays.

Some of the photos I acquire can sometimes be simply scanned in and shared. Other photos may need minor tweaks such as removing scratches or pen marks. Some photos are so badly damaged, they need major work in Photoshop to restore them to their former glory.

You can read the story of what spurred me on to build this archive by reading my first blog post here.

Please give me a follow on Instagram @forgotten_film_archive to see what will be coming up next on the archive.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoy the Archive.